Task Ambient for Office Building

Due to the slow adoption of task-ambient lighting approaches in Thailand, we investigated the barriers in the Thai context and how to remove them by carrying out field surveys and interviews with stakeholders such as designers, users, and facility managers.  We then develop a series of prototypes, evaluate them and select the most suitable one for further development.  The experimental study in a full-scale test room (open-plan office) was conducted with 80 participants in two age groups.  They were asked to perform a range of visual tasks under 3 lighting conditions (general lighting, task-ambient lighting with two ambient levels) and then evaluated each lighting condition.  The results indicated that the prototype of a task-lighting system with 250-300 lux ambient lighting and user-controlled task light that the user can adjust both light intensity and distributions could help reduce the energy use and provide comfortable and pleasant lighting for the work environment.  Some 85% of the participants would choose to use task-ambient light again. 





Categories: Research, Light and Health